One of the ways to deal with the unease and disappointments of Life is to observe it with "different eyes" ...look at events, people and experiences as a Mirror. This can be difficult at first, but if you do it without judgement, without discrimination, you may be surprised how easy it is to bring Peace back to you. We can be so hard on ourselves as well as blame the rest of the World for making us unhappy. It doesn't need to be this way.
“The good you find in others, is in you too. The faults you find in others, are your faults as well. After all, to recognize something, you must know it. The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you as well. The beauty you see around you, is your beauty. The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are. To change your world, you must change yourself. See the best in others, and you will be your best. Give to others and you give to yourself. Appreciate beauty, and you will be beautiful. Admire creativity, and you will be creative. Love, and you will be loved. See to understand, and you will be understood. Listen, and your voice will be heard. Teach, and you will learn.”
~ Author Unknown
Right now, take a person or experience that bothers you and transform it. Try it for a bit, maybe a few minutes, and see it as a way to bring Peace back to you. We are here to learn lessons, to gain Wisdom. It doesn't need to involve suffering.
Come back to Love.