Inner Peace Tool ~ Write It Down!

 I've owned and given this book away a few times already, and I just purchased another. It's a genuine "GUARANTEE" that it will work for you, just as it has for me. The entire title is: Write It Down, Make It Happen. Knowing What You Want - And Getting It! by Henriette Anne Klauser.

It's a simple notion that what you want can happen to you if you simply write it down. Goals, aspirations, never-gonna-happen-but-I'll-write-it-down-anyways, pretty much anything you want. I would not endorse this book if I didn't KNOW that it works. I've recently begun a new list!

Shortly before I moved to California (and after I had read this book), I made a list of things I wanted once I arrived in California. My list started to come true, starting the first week I was here. The last of the list was completed 3 months later. From wanting to live next to the water to the type of job I wanted. Upon moving into my new apartment, a koi fish pond with a waterfall was outside my bedroom window [instead of the ocean, which I should have clarified when originally writing 'water!']. I wasn't complaining. It was perfect....but don't forget your own important details!

“You can "make it happen" purely by believing in the possibility. There is no 'right way' to write a goal down – a single line jotted on a scrap of paper is as valuable as a full-blown description of the goal that goes on for several pages. Once you state your goals in writing, the rest of the world can cooperate with your ambition – from grand career goals and major moves to having a better relationship with a teenage son, or simply waking up in the morning happy."
~ Henriette Anne Klauser, excerpt from her book.

This is possible because of the brain's filtering system called the 'reticular activating system' (RAS). This filtering system can sort out important things. Imagine you're in a room full of talkative people. Though you can't hear everyone's conversation, you can hear your name spoken by someone across the room. What makes us hear our name and not everything else? That nifty RAS, that's what! Once we write something down, it creates a 'filter' for the RAS to use. Things start to appear – though they've been there all along – your RAS filtering system is linking you to signals and signs seeing that you make it to your goals.

Try it! I love hearing the success stories from my clients who've read this book. (a special thanks to my client M.K., who inspired me to share this on my blog...I can't wait to hear your future success story!)

Copyright © 2000 by Henriette Anne Klauser, Ph.D.