“In the Magical Universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents...” ~William S. Burroughs
A blog for Energetic inspiration.
A blog for Healing.
It's not an accident that you're here...
My intention is to help you realize that we are all Energetic Spiritual Beings having a Human experience, not the other way around.
My Gift to you today is to provide you with a morsel of inspiration, something to transform your mood, your day, your blueprint. To know that you are NOT alone in this World, in this Universe...that we are all connected.
I have infused this website with Healing Reiki Energy. Even if you've reached this site by accident (smile), know that you are receiving precious, loving, healing energy.
Close your eyes. Relax your forehead, your shoulders.
Take a slow, deep breath...exhale.
This is your moment, for you and only you. Enjoy it's Peace.
About My Black Feather's Anne Castilleja
I have been an Intuitive, Psychic Mediumand Reiki Master since 1999. Whether it's a Reading or a Reiki Treatment, I receive impressions that I share with my client for valuable insights and/or strong validations to the Path that they are on.
People have used my Intuitive Skills for themselves, different types of parties and as gifts for their friends.
I do not belong to any specific religion but have a strong belief in a Greater Power. My clients all have different beliefs. It is my strong belief that in order to receive a Message or to receive the positive energy of Reiki, it does not matter what faith One belongs to.
Please enjoy my blog and know that You Are Being Healed, Right Now...
Namaste with a deep bow, Anne
The Psychic Gym
I belong to this AMAZING group of Psychic Mediums led by a very talented Psychic Medium: John Thornton. He has be involved in Spirit Rescue and Paranormal Investigations for over 30 years. With all this experience, he expands his gifts and people who are new to this Path as well as seasoned professionals. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience to work with him for Spirit Rescue sessions, as well as visiting “haunted” locations to contact Spirit. I recommend John’s Meetup for ANYONE interested in expanding their Gifts. I have learned so much from him in a short amount of time. Thank you John! (Click on image above for website)