“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
“Every passing moment is another chance 
to turn it all around.”
~ Sophia, from the movie Vanilla Sky

Inner Peace Tool ~ Simple Science

Having come back to the world of full time work, deadlines, traffic and less time for myself, I have found that my commitment to Inner Peace has been challenged. Suddenly I am brought back to what my clients have asked me, "how do you find Peace in this very real, very stressful World that we live in?"

Mental focus is a huge part of Peace. What we focus on will dictate how our Body feels, and it's easy to get bogged down with lots of other seemingly important 'responsibilities.' We forget that WE are responsible for our Inner Peace. How we can get it back in the 3 precious 'waiting-for-the-coffee-to-brew' minutes that we have for ourselves? Maybe it's the 15 minute drive to work. Here is a foolproof, quick-fix method to bring your Mind & Body back to a centered and grounded state. It will leave you in a better frame of mind to re-start from a Peaceful Place.
“Peace of mind is really as easy as riding a bike, once you know how you just do it.”
~ Oystein Henriksen 

You can try yoga, martial arts, paying for herbs and anti-depressants, but Inner Peace all boils down to one thing: the Mind and Body connection. Knowing this simple fact will make it easier to 'nip in the bud' stressful thoughts that lead to shallow breathing and toxic chemistry in the blood from stress hormones.

It doesn't matter what faith, job or status One has, this truth applies to All. Don't be intimidated by the image below, if you try to understand this and apply it to your daily life: you will have FULL control of your emotions...ALWAYS!

There are 4 brainwave groups listed below: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
When you see the correlation between your brainwaves and the activities that are associated with them, you will understand that we are better off 'choosing' the frequency. In earlier times, techniques and spiritual practices, you would be led to believe that you need to sit for hours, fast or become masters of our physical bodies before we could discover Peace. This is true, but we are not all made of money or have oodles of time to devote to these methods. You can create Inner Peace for free: just by regulating your breathing patterns.

In the Beta brainwave state, all of our daily stresses exist here. Driving to work, finding a job, relationship issues, there are endless little stresses that take place during Beta. Knowing this, it seems logical that to go into our Alpha and Theta states is to enter into relaxation. We need to be in the right brainwave state to create Inner Peace in our Self.

The #1 most effective and lasting way to leave an undesirable emotional state is as simple as this: BREATHING. Once you discover that rhythmic breathing and brainwaves are connected, Inner Peace is suddenly available to you.

Our society teaches us to breathe with our chests which creates shallow breathing, leading to a chemical reaction in our system. This affects our health. By breathing properly, we can bring our Minds from Beta to a more relaxed, calm state: Alpha, Theta or Delta. These states do not allow emotional turmoil to exist.

Proper Breathing Technique:
   1. Breathe OUT through mouth 
   2. Breathe IN via nose
   3. HOLD the breath
      (expanding the breath downwards using diaphragm)
   4. Breathe OUT through mouth and repeat sequence...

The following Breathing Rhythms below have numbers which equal a count of one second. Focus only on the counts.
4 = 4 second count.
8 = 8 second count, and so on.
You will feel your brain actually shift into a different frequency and the side effect of that shift: Peace.

     Awake, Normal Alert Consciousness
     Breathing Rhythm:
     Inhale 1
     Hold 0
     Exhale 1
     Hold Out 0

     Relaxed Consciousness
     Breathing Rhythm:
     Inhale 4
     Hold 8
     Exhale 8
     Hold Out 4

     Going Down...
     Breathing Rhythm:
     Inhale 8
     Hold 8
     Exhale 8
     Hold Out 4

     Deep Relaxation

     Breathing Rhythm:
     Inhale 4
     Hold 8
     Exhale 16
     Hold Out 4

     Deep, Dreamless Sleep
     Breathing Rhythm:
     Inhale 4
     Hold 8
     Exhale 32
     Hold Out 4

It can be this easy, it just takes a little practice. Peace be with you, my Friends.
"You are now in control of your life. You see, the Ego is never in control. The Ego is controlled by wishes for comfort and convenience on the part of the body, by demands of the mind, and by outbursts of the emotions. But the Higher Nature controls the Body and the Mind and the Emotions. I can say to my Body, "Lie down there on that cement floor and go to sleep," and it obeys. I can say to my Mind, "Shut out everything else and concentrate on this job before you," and it's obedient. I can say to my Emotions, "Be still, even in the face of this terrible situation," and they are still. It's a different way of living. The philosopher Thoreau wrote: If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps he hears a different drummer. And now you are following a different drummer – the Higher Nature instead of the Lower."
~ Peace Pilgrim
"Everyone who got to where they are had to begin where they were."
~ Richard Paul Evans
"I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
~ Martha Washington
“See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
~ Anais Nin
“You are all geniuses, and you are all beautiful. You don't need anyone to tell you who you are. You are what you are. Get out there and get Peace, think Peace, live Peace, and breathe Peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like.”
~ John Lennon

Inner Peace Tool ~ Walking Into Peace

While walking to his car, a friend of mine was telling me what a bad day he was having. As he sped through the details of why he felt so bad, he was walking almost 2 paces ahead of me, not realizing the "rush" that he was in. His mind was moving so fast, processing details of the past and the future, that he didn't realize where he was, and we had to turn around to go find his car (2 blocks behind us). Instead of trying to console him, I decided to distract him with a Walking Meditation, to become more Mindful and In The Now.

When we're on automatic pilot, we sometimes fall into habits of unhealthy thinking that lead to stress. Walking Meditation brings us back to our Center, back to Living In The Now. You don't need to 'make' time to do this, it can be done on a hike or simply walking to your car. You become more aware – moment to moment – of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Being more aware of the world around you, you give yourself the possibility of greater freedom and more choice. This is something you can do right now.

Have you wondered how those old monks could walk for weeks or years through forests and over mountains? I know they were practicing Walking Meditation. When being mindful during your walk, you will find that you become less stressed and more relaxed, able to cover more distance with less effort.
“Mindfulness is a way of paying attention, on purpose and non-judgmentally, to what goes on in the present moment in your body, mind and the world around you.”
~ Jon Kabat-Zinn 

It's really quite simple. If you are a total beginner, take note of your steps while walking. Think silently to yourself "stepping, stepping, stepping" or "left, right, left, right." You will find more Peace at a slower speed than normal during this Meditation. Think of it like driving down the freeway. You need to slow down to read the signs...This will immediately bring you into the Now, the present moment.

As you progress through Walking Meditation, begin to become mindful of each footfall: (1) lifting the foot; (2) moving it forward; (3) pressing your heel to the ground; (4) rolling forward onto your toes; (5) pushing off the ground. After you get the hang of noting the steps of each footfall, you will begin to 'roll with it.' You begin to walk with Nature and not through Nature. You will become so Centered that you will connect with everything around you: sounds, smells, wind, gravity. You will sense the Life around you before you see it with your physical eyes. On the city streets and country trails, Nature is all around us.

When you have completed your Walking Meditation, you will find a greater Peace inside yourself. You will be able to concentrate more clearly on the issues you had before your walk. If you are a Spiritual person, this will help you quiet the mind to hear what Spirit has to say.

Pay gentle attention.
Let go of judgment.
Become present.
This will let Peace catch up with you =)
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
~ Albert Einstein