When I first knew that I was starting my Spiritual Journey, I had different animal totems appear to me in meditation. The one in particular that I had numerous coincidences and impressions with was the Crow. Though scary in movies & certain lore, to the American Indians, it taught them to "keep open to the magic of the Universe." The Crow has led me to see so much of the magic in my own Life...
This piece came to be through an awake meditation, an experience I had after I first had moved here. As I looked at my hands and feet, I saw black feathers coming out of each finger, each toe. The impression floated in and let me know that all I needed to fly...to expand, create, become...was already in me. All I had to do was spread my arms and fly. The magic of the Universe would carry me along...and to this day, it has.
“Be the change you want to see in the world."
~ Mahatma Ghandi
I named my business after my Crow totem, to honor the many signs [what some may call coincidences] I've had finding Crow & Raven feathers throughout my years walking this Path I've chosen to follow...it has taught me to let go of stereotypes and be brave walking my path.
What animals do you seem to attract? What has your favorite animal always been? This animal could be your Animal Totem, full of symbolism & magic...just for you. A great book to check out is Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. It is full of many different animals and their meanings. This has been the best book I've found to give an accurate guide of the ever present communication we have with the Animal Kingdom.
Animal-Speak. Copyright © 1993 by Ted Andrews. All rights reserved.